About us

Thanks for visiting our site! We are Oli and Hannah, the husband and wife team behind nano brewery Wilderness Brewing which has been operating since 2017.

We currently have a 300L system and brew a variety of beer with a focus on mixed ferment yeast forward beers, fruited sour ales as well as flavour forward contemporary styles. 

We brew spontaneous beer in the winter when the weather conditions are perfect (dry and cold!). This is usually a double brew day with a turbid mash process and long boils using aged hops. We pump around 500L into the cool-ship, leave it overnight and then fill 2 barrels the next day. The beer will spend anywhere from 1-3 years in the barrel depending on the beer style and what yeast/microbes we used. By aging beer in a barrel it gives the microbes the time they need to develop the complexity we’re looking for. We taste each barrel occasionally and as it develops we'll decide whether to use it as a base for a fruited sour or blend it with other barrels.

Our bottles are hand filled and capped, and we have recently started filling cans.
Our mixed ferment beers age for a further 3-6 months in the bottle where they undergo a natural re-fermentation. We taste these bottles periodically checking carbonation, gravity, flavour and aroma.

We label our bottles one at a time, then they are ready to leave the brewery!